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Web Links To Ministries & Info

(New page - we will be updating regularly)


Missionaries We Assist:


Myra Smith, missionary to impoverished central Guatemala.  We have been supplying her ministry during visits to Central America.    www.wmotw.com

Richard Briggs, sailing Christian located up the Rio Dulce River, Guatemala, who is trying to build a clinic for the Mayan Indians there.    www.lavidafeliz.com

Bryan & Riechelle Buchanan, medical missionaries located upriver in Guatemala.  Hardest working and most dedicated as any we've met.  www.junglemedicmissions.org


Companion Ministries:

CO-Mission International Inc., non-profit Christian organization which sponsors native pastors and missionaries within the '10/40 Window'.  They have generously assisted us in many ways (please see our Summer 07 newsletter)  www.comission.com





{ many more to come - we will consider adding yours }


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