"Growing Pains" It isn't easy growing up - and that includes spiritual growth as well. We must not confuse God's discipline with God's anger ("...those whom He loveth He chastens"). From the article: "If God loved us as sinners how much more will He always love us as sons and daughters!" A must read to better appreciate God's working in us.
"Serving Without Sacrifice" Includes statements such as: "So much of the work that needs to be done for the Lord is left undone because believers are unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices...Whatever happened to denying self and taking up a cross? We no longer forsake all - we want God to fix all"
"Thy Will Be Done" Discussion on the true meaning of being obedient. Some quotes: "There is no other way for Him to be Lord but through obedience" and "The call of God, therefore, does not necessarily have to be in accordance with our wants or wishes, or neatly fall into line with the plans and purposes we have already made for ourselves."
... more to come.
[These articles are available in tract form which you may duplicate
and share with others. Write to us for a complete set]